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Soft Tissue Grafting
Happy Valley, OR

Man sitting outside and smiling, in Happy Valley, OR.There are many ways to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape, but if you find yourself trying to play catch-up as problems take their toll, Fusion Dental Specialists is here to help. Many people find themselves struggling with the problems and risks associated with a receding gum line, but luckily for them, there is a solution! Our experts can handle even the most severe cases of receding gum line if our patient is a candidate for soft-tissue grafting. If you think that this may be an option to remedy your problems, give us a call today.

What is soft-tissue grafting?

Soft tissue grafting is a way to combat many ailments that can come from a receding or diminishing gum line. There are several options to restore healthy, natural gums. For example, the most common soft-tissue graft is called a free gingival graft. In this style, we can make the tissue you already have thicker by taking some tissue from your palate (or the roof of your mouth) and stitching it to the area that needs a little bit of help.

Another option is a connective tissue graft, in which the problem area is larger than can be helped by a free gingival graft. With a connective tissue graft, we need sub-epithelial tissue. We get this through a small flap in the mouth which is then sutured to the area that needs thickening, also known as the recipient site. Finally, there is a pedicle graft, in which we take tissue from the adjacent gums to the problem area, simply moving a flap over to cover the recipient site. This means that all the preexisting blood vessels stay put!

Why do I need soft-tissue grafting?

Gum recession can take its toll and must be remedied as soon as possible. This is a way to fix that before it leads to pain and altered smile appearance. You may struggle with a receding gum line for any number of reasons, from aging to injury to periodontal disease. The grafting process can help you to be comfortable again (eliminating sensitivity of exposed roots), enhance your smile, and keep your gums healthy.

What is the process?

After our dentist deep-cleans your mouth, removing all tartar from the teeth and gums, he will administer a local anesthetic. At that point, a small pocket will be made at the recipient site where the graft will be placed. Then, a healing or tissue growth catalyst will be placed on the area before it is sutured and begins healing.

If you think that a soft-tissue graft could benefit you and your smile, be sure to call us today at (503) 653-2299 to get more information on this procedure. If you need such a procedure done, the caring and expert staff here at Fusion Dental Specialists will help you to get back on top of your oral hygiene game without the hassle and with as little discomfort as possible. There is no need to worry!
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(503) 653-2299


(503) 774-4154


Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 2:00pm
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Soft Tissue Grafting • Dentist Happy Valley, OR
Our experts can handle even the most severe cases of receding gum line if our patient is a candidate for soft-tissue grafting. Click here to learn more!
Fusion Dental Specialists, 9300 SE 91st Ave, Suite 403 Happy Valley, OR 97086, (503) 653-2299,, 8/31/2023, Tags: dentist Happy Valley OR,